Go back to the Editor, and on the flat terrain we made, right click the ground and choose "Rebuild Terrain" from the drop down menu. Now copy the "_height.dds" on your desktop and paste it back into that prebuild/level_test" folder we spoke of earlier and hit replace. This is near the bottom, tick "Flipped Vertically" and Save.įlip Vertically may not be 100% necessary, but I was told to do this. In the Nvidia DDS Format box that now appears, in the drop down select "16.16f GR 32bpp floating point". Go to File>Save As, keep the name as _height.dds and yes to replace. Switch to your _height.dds image, then go to Edit>Paste, you should now see the the pasted terrain data appear on the _height.dds. With this selected, at the top go to Edit>Copy. Press M to select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the entire height terrain. Switch to your downloaded height terrain image (white and black, white is higher, black is lower, you can also adjust Brightness and Contrast on the right hand side to change the result). (You can make it 4K for example, this is just the resulting image size of the downloaded image.)

Make sure to make the two images the same size, do this by Image>Image Size at the top, it should be 1537x1537 for Height and Width.

This will display the Channels on the far right hand side, deselect every channel but the leave the "eye" on the Red Channel. With your _height.dds image open in Photoshop, select Image>Mode>RGB Colour at the top taskbar. Open Photoshop, and open both the _height.dds and the new terrain image you just downloaded, select "flip vertically" when opening, leave it at 24bits. I use the "Merged" one, move that to the Desktop. Open the downloaded zip/rar and you will be presented by a readme, and 5 image files. On the right hand side is a cloud with a downward facing arrow, clicking this will export the chosen area and go into your download location. Go to terrain.party in your web browser and type a location or place the purple square any where you would like, this is the selection of ground it takes into height data. Go to the folder "Mudrunner Editor Beta/Media/mods//prebuild/level folder", copy the "_height.dds" and paste it on the Desktop for ease of access. Then hit Save, which is in the top left hand corner once your flat terrain appears. "level_test" is the correct naming format without quotes. The Nvidia DDS Plugin, can be found online.Ĭreate a brand new, flat terrain in the Editor, name it, and set to 1024x1024. Photoshop (I am unsure if or GIMP can save in the correct format so a Photoshop trial off their website is good enough for now if you do not have it, I'm using "White Rabbit".

This may work in the original Spintires but I have not tested that yet. In this tutorial we are going to cover how to import real terrain height data, and convert that into a format that the Mudrunner Editor understands.