Memes/Jokes are fine but only if they are themed to match the game, no unrelated memes with just an edited title. This is an English speaking subreddit all posts must be in English. Feel free to message the mods if you're unsure if your post is appropriate. Posts containing any kinds of graphic material, including suggestive fan art, will be removed. Please under no circumstances flood the sub with nonsense! Posting, linking or describing cheats or hacks for any of the PvZ games is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban. If your post is not related to the game this subreddit is dedicated to, please post it elsewhere! Offending comments may be removed and warnings issued. We have a wide audience consisting of children, teens, and adults.

DARK THEME NORMAL THEME Rules of the Lawn This subreddit is a hub for all of the games in the PVZ series. Zombies is an exciting series of games by PopCap, spanning over many genres such as tower defense, third-person shooter, and a strategy card game.